Starting with a shiatsu massage to feel and connect with tension and holding patterns in the body. We will find where the flow of energy is blocked. 5 weeks later another massage will reveal the positive changes.

You will be given a personal yoga practice that will promote a new self care routine involving physical asana, meditation and changes in old habits.

The course is designed to increase your vitality and create freedom and flow in your mind and body.

Support will come in the form of zoom calls and recordings, in house visits if we are geographically close, and check-ins whenever needed. The practice may change from time to time as your body, nervous system, and needs change.

The investment:

Without the massage $300

What Vitality Rebooters have said:

Taking this 5 week series, Vitality Reboot, allowed me to re-connect with yoga as a spiritual practice. I learned that all the little yoga moments throughout the day contribute to overall well-being and spiritual nurturance- it doesn’t have to be a big scheduled repetitive practice, and this works so much better for me. I now have many practices I can draw upon that are suited for me on my journey. And know the areas of my being which need support. The shiatsu massage is the best massage I’ve ever had! Deep and clearing.